The west side of the home has a small fenced area. The fence has 6" X 10" (deep) cement with 2 7/8 steel post to hold wooden frame for stockade panels. The fence is not attached to the house but comes up to the house and forms a small back yard area.
The yard fence is 60' X 20' . There is a cement patio slab within the yard, that measures 8' X 12' . There is a permanent BBQ grill at the north end of the slab.
Inside this yard sits the 32KW backup generator and it's metal housing resting on a cement slab. The generator has an automatic kick in switch located in the utility room of the house. The generator exercises every Sunday morning for approximately 30 minutes. The fuel supply for the generator is propane, with a 1000 gallon tank located approximately sixty feet west of the unit, just outside the stockade fence.
A 40' tower for translator reception (from Amarillo), satellite & wireless Internet, sits about a foot away from the roof's edge.